Child welfare provider revisions re surplus revenue and rates for out-of-home care; performance-based contracting system established; DCF to certify need for new group home or increasing capacity at an existing one, emergency rules provision -  Act 335
Children's Code and Juvenile Justice Code revisions re required judicial findings and orders when child is placed outside the home, TPR warnings, mandatory child abuse or neglect reporters, confidentiality of social services records, changing ``day care" to ``child care", and definition of ``neglect"  -  Act 185
Food sold by certain licensed child care facilities: sales and use tax exemptions created; JSCTE appendix report  -  Act 204
Foster care and kinship care revisions re monthly rates, payments, certification, licensing, and levels of care  -  Act 71
Fraud by W-2 participants: notification to DCF and DHS of date program established and amounts recovered; use of moneys set [Sec. 489, 494, 1257-1262, 1263-1265, 1266, 9308 (2), (2f)] -  Act 28
Funeral and burial expenses for decedents who, during life, received certain public assistance: maximum amount a county department may contribute increased  -  Act 393
Indian juveniles adjudicated delinquent: moneys for reimbursement for unexpected or unusually high-cost out-of-home care placements limited to adjudications by tribal courts  -  Act 233
Indian tribe or band member placement in a mental health treatment facility: reimbursement of unexpected or unusually high-costs from Indian gaming receipts; sunset provision  -  Act 318
Integrated service programs for children with severe disabilities expanded to cover children and their families involved in two or more systems of care, name changed to ``initiatives to provide coordinated services for children and families"; definitions, Indian tribes, and funding provisions  -  Act 334
Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children; creates an Interstate Commission for the Placement of Children  -  Act 339
Juvenile correctional services provided by counties and nonprofit organizations: DOA and Corr.Dept to conduct comprehensive review; to include description of AODA and mental health services; youth counselors from the state's three schools to participate [Sec. 9111 (2k)] [vetoed]  -  AB-75
Permanency planning for children in out-of-home care, right to be heard in proceedings involving children in out-of-home care, notice to relatives when child is removed from home, placement with siblings re foster home or adoption, plan for transition to independent living, reporting of infants affected by controlled substances, circuit court commissioner review of permanency plans, TPR filing requirements, reasonable efforts to achieve goals of permanency plan, informal disposition, confidentiality of records; effective date changed re paying support of maintenance arrears to certain public assistance recipients -  Act 79
Relief block grant program eliminated to reflect implementation of BadgerCare Plus Childless Adults demonstration project [for section numbers, see entry under ``Public assistance"]  -  Act 28
Transporting MA recipients to obtain medical care: advance authorization requirement eliminated; DHS reports to JCF re contracting with entity for MA management services and effectiveness of manager program [Sec. 1321, 9122 (4f)] [9122 (4f) — partial veto] -  Act 28
Wisconsin Shares child care program integrity, child attendance monitoring system, and payment distribution [Sec. 1138d, f, 1213f, 1214b-k, 1230, 1239, 9108 (9k)] [1138f, 1214f — partial veto] -  Act 28
county _ jailCounty — Jail, see Jail
County executive granted veto power over appropriations modified: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) [SJR-11] -  JR-27
Marriage license: maximum fee for expedited issuance set [Sec. 3205r, 9357 (1f)] -  Act 28
county _ ordinanceCounty — Ordinance
Burnett County temporary sales tax re upgrading radio towers authorized [Sec. 1856j, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 9443 (14u)] [vetoed] -  AB-75
Mixed-use zoning ordinance clarified; communities required to enact a traditional neighborhood development ordinance to report to DOA on status of compliance; state housing strategy plan to include a bicycle- and pedestrian-oriented design in residential developments -  Act 351
Wind energy system: PSC to establish common standards for political subdivisions to regulate construction and operation of; definition, ordinance, enforcement, and PSC review provisions; exception for certain electric generating facilities with a certificate of public convenience and necessity; Wind Siting Council created and report required  -  Act 40
county _ parkCounty — Park, see Park — County
county _ planningCounty — Planning, see Regional planning
county _ policeCounty — Police, see Police
county _ roadCounty — Road, see Road — County
Background checks for handgun purchasers: DOJ required to check for court order or finding rendering the person ineligible under federal law re mental health status; courts required to determine ineligibility and other duties; person may petition court to cancel the order -  Act 258
Drug violation re Uniform Controlled Substances Act: court or DOT may suspend motor vehicle operating privilege  -  Act 8
Misappropriation from cemetery of object indicating deceased was a veteran: court to require reimbursement of replacement cost -  Act 105
Motor vehicle operating privileges: seizure of license by court or law enforcement modified; nonresident, reinstatement, and DOT provisions -  Act 103
Operating privilege revocation for fourth offense OAR, OWS, or OWD: court-ordered revocation made permissive and DOT administrative revocation requirement eliminated  -  Act 102
OWI law revisions re court ordered ignition interlock device, eligibility for an occupational license, first offense provisions, increased penalties, felony crimes, expanding a Winnebago County sentencing pilot program to other counties, revocation, trial court sentencing authority, and fee increases; court may not release certain persons after conviction but before sentencing -  Act 100
Visual representation of nude person without person's consent: court may order person convicted of to register with Corr.Dept as a sex offender; juvenile and person found not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect provisions  -  Act 137
court _ appellateCourt — Appellate, see also Supreme Court
Appellate procedure revisions re review of orders denying motion to suppress evidence or challenging admissibility of the statement of a defendant or juvenile in certain circumstances -  Act 27
Appellate procedures integrated re commitments of persons found not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect and commitments of sexually violent persons  -  Act 26
Appellate time limits and procedure revisions -  Act 25
Appellate time limits and procedure revisions: 2009 WisAct 25 modification -  Act 57
Appropriation lapses and reestimates [Sec. 9247 (1c)] -  Act 28
Citation re unpublished opinions (Wis.Stats, Rule, s.809.23 (3)), 1/6/09 [SCO no.08-02] -  SCO
Content of appellate appendices and Appendix to Petitions for Review (Wis.Stats, Rule, s.809.19, 809.62), 5/27/10 [SCO no.10-01 and 10-02] -  SCO
Electronic filing of appellate briefs, no-merit reports, and petitions for review and responses (Wis.Stats, Rule, s.809.19, 809.32, 809.80), 1/6/09 [SCO no.08-15 and 08-18)  -  SCO
Wedemeyer, Judge Ted E., Jr.: life and public service to the courts system commended [AJR-7] -  JR-5
court _ clerkCourt — Clerk
Municipal court administration, judges, and procedures revised -  Act 402
TROs and injunctions re domestic abuse, child abuse, adult at risk, or harassment: petition law revisions  -  Act 262
court _ commissionerCourt — Commissioner
TROs and injunctions re domestic abuse, child abuse, adult at risk, or harassment: petition law revisions  -  Act 262
court _ feeCourt — Fee
Court fees increased [Sec. 3232r] [vetoed] -  AB-75
Enforcement costs recovery by DATCP revised [Sec. 194, 1971-1973] -  Act 28
Justice information surcharge increased; distribution revised; grants for indigent civil legal services [Sec. 55, 553, 555, 556, 577, 614, 3240] -  Act 28
Municipal court administration, judges, and procedures revised -  Act 402
Surcharge for crime laboratories and drug law enforcement increased [Sec. 2446, 9330 (1)] -  Act 28
court _ municipalCourt — Municipal
Judgments in municipal courts and traffic courts: payment in installments if defendant is unable to pay because of poverty; operating privilege suspension provisions  -  Act 17
Municipal court administration, judges, and procedures revised -  Act 402
court _ procedureCourt — Procedure
Biological specimen for DNA analysis: requirement does not expire when completing probation, sentence, or delinquency disposition, or being released from commitment; DA may petition court to compel certain persons to provide a sample; procedure specified -  Act 261
Communications in media as evidence (Wis.Stats, s.904.085 (4)(e)), 4/29/10 [SCO no.09-12] -  SCO
Competency proceedings: eliminating condition of bail or bond when defendant is committed to DHS custody for treatment; alternative process for placing person in an inpatient setting (remedial legislation) -  Act 214
Discovery of electronically stored information (Wis.Stats, s.802.10, 804.01, 804.08, 804.09, 804.12, 805.07), 7/6/10 [SCO no.09-01] -  SCO
DNA evidence connected to certain felonies: time limit for commencing prosecution revised; reconciliation of 2005 WisActs 60 and 276 -  Act 203
Electronic signature on a criminal complaint permitted -  Act 184
Expungement of criminal record re certain misdemeanors or nonviolent Class H or Class I felonies committed before age 25; only applies to first-time convictions [Sec. 3384-3386, 9309 (1)] -  Act 28
Intentional torts: time limit for bringing an action increased -  Act 120
John Doe proceedings re state officer or employee: procedures revised; DA authority; judicial discretion over scope of examination and special prosecutors; protections and payment of attorney fees and costs -  Act 24
Landlord required to change locks if tenant requests it and provides a copy of an injunction or criminal complaint re domestic abuse; exception, rental agreement, civil damages, and lock changed by tenant provisions -  Act 117
Legal custody and physical placement study required to be submitted to both the court and the parties and be offered in accordance with the rules of evidence -  Act 187
Municipal court administration, judges, and procedures revised -  Act 402
Natural gas company exceptions to certain real estate transactions and court actions; municipal electric company revisions; certificate of public convenience and necessity exemption for certain high-voltage transmission line  -  Act 378
Natural gas company exceptions to certain real estate transactions and court actions; municipal electric company revisions; certificate of public convenience and necessity exemption for certain high-voltage transmission line  -  Act 379
OJA grants to fund treatment alternatives and diversion for criminal offenders re AODA; grant program for digital recording equipment re interrogations repealed [Sec. 155, 156, 528d, 572j, 575] -  Act 28
OWI law revisions re court ordered ignition interlock device, eligibility for an occupational license, first offense provisions, increased penalties, felony crimes, expanding a Winnebago County sentencing pilot program to other counties, revocation, trial court sentencing authority, and fee increases; court may not release certain persons after conviction but before sentencing -  Act 100
Persons serving bifurcated sentence: procedure for release on extended supervision in certain cases; notice to sentencing court, which may modify or deny; provision re elderly or terminally ill inmates [Sec. 2726, 2729j-2739p, 3222, 3286, 3360n, 3362, 3395g, r, 3400, 9311 (2), 9411 (2u)] [2739, 9411 (2u) — partial veto] -  Act 28
Probation elimination for persons committing misdemeanors: Corr.Dept may petition the sentencing court [Sec. 3392d, s, 9311 (4)] [3392d — partial veto; 3392s — vetoed] -  Act 28
Residential real estate transaction: tort action against the transferor (seller) for fraud or intentional misrepresentation permitted; definition provision -  Act 4
Self-authentication by electronic certification of certain DOT records -  Act 118
Sentencing guidelines adopted by the Sentencing Commission and court explanation of sentences to offenders: requirements revised [Sec. 3381m, 3386m, 3387m]  -  Act 28